by admin | Feb 5, 2014 | Acorn Lane Farm, Boone's Blog Contributors, Farm Animals, Homesteading, Matt Gardiner, sustainability, Uncategorized
I felt the need to do a quick update on Violet, since many of you have asked about her and what is going on. I really appreciate that you guys are actually reading and asking for updates! I promise you, I will keep you posted but nothing has happened yet. We must have totally misread her signs, but she is stable and nothing has changed. She is outside with the other girls and doing fine. We have had babies for the past two years but are still new to this and many of you have offered great tips which we appreciate. Adding to the confusion of her delivery date is the fact that we didn’t know when the “deed” occured if you know what I mean, so we have not been able to accurately track her pregnancy. Now with Daisy we have a better idea and there is also a possibility that Pansy and Rosie are preggos too. I will keep you guys posted. Thanks!
by admin | Jan 31, 2014 | Acorn Lane Farm, Boone's Blog Contributors, Farm Animals, Homesteading, Matt Gardiner, sustainability, Uncategorized
On Monday night after taking the kids to Piano Lessons and Boy Scouts, I came home and Hope and I are discussing little Violet, who is one of our younger goats and is pregnant. We have been watching her over the past few months grow and grow after our Veterinarian Dr. Slone was out and confirmed she was indeed pregnant and the ultrasound showed two goat fetuses. Yes, they have portable ultrasounds for this kind of thing. It is not unusual for Hope to ask me while she is at work in Frankfort (she took a winter position with the General Assembly just during session) how is Violet? I know what this means, I say no change, she hasn’t bagged up and her “Who Who” isn’t doing anything. “Who Who” is a term for a female’s private parts that our daughter uses and we use with her. Hope being the proper Central KY Girl she is, likes these more cordial, delicate terms for reproductive anatomy. Bagged up is referring to her udder and whether she has come into milk and checking her “Who Who” is a daily thing for us goat farmers while they are preganant as they will show various signs of approaching labor.
I don’t know how graphic you want me to get, but it involves discharge and swollen vulva which means she is dilating, to just give you a preview. Well, I guess that was pretty graphic. I can guarantee you that I never thought I would be looking at a goat’s “Who Who” on a daily basis when I graduated from the Horticulture Program at the University of Kentucky. I am supposed to be a plant guy, what happened here.

Violet in Pregnancy Wing of Boone Gardiner
I noticed early that day that indeed these signs were starting to show, and Hope called our good friend Joy who is a long time goat breeder and has been a wealth of knowledge for us. Joy said she would stop by and check her out and she confirmed that she was indeed dilated but not in labor yet, as there were no contractions, but it wouldn’t be long.
So back to our dinner conversation about Violet, and what to do with her. We both felt with the returning Polar Vortex that it would be best to move her in. If she has the kids in this kind of cold, they will certainly get hypothermia and freeze. So after thinking I was finished for the night having fed and watered all of our menagerie earlier before piano lessons and boy scouts, I put on my Carharts and ventured back outside.
At 8:00 it was 13 degrees with a wind chill of 0. I couldn’t just move her into the garage. I had to build a pin of some sort as there are all kinds of organic fertilizers, among other things, that she doesn’t need to be getting into. So with my trusty light, a Christmas present from my brother Chris, which I was truly excited about. Yes, these are the kinds of things I get excited about. A light that I can use outside while doing these sort of crazy farm chores in the pitch dark and freezing cold. Hope reminded me that there were some extra cattle panels that I could use in the goat pin. For those of you who do not know, a cattle panel is a strong wired fence panel, that is extremely tough and versatile. I had to cut down 2 -16′ cattle panels where I had them wired up on a wall. Then I proceeded to cut the 16′ section in half (with bolt cutters, these are thick wire) and bring those inside to create an 8′ x 8′ pin that she could safely be inside of. It backs up to our John Deere Gator, which served as a good stabilizer.
I then had to get a water bowl, something for food and then hiked out to our barn (former coal house for heating old greenhouses) to get some hay for her to eat and use as bedding. I set up a heat lamp and even ran a space heater for a little while when I was in there. I didn’t run it all night, I know what a fire hazard these are, especially around some hay! Finally, I got a lead line and went out to fetch Violet. Great thing about Violet is that she is such a sweet goat and loves people, so she was easy to get on the lead line and bring out of the goat yard. Once we started getting close to the garage, she started wondering what I was doing with her but didn’t put up too much of a fight. I got her in and settled and I have to say it was quite a nice little area. Unfortunately, as soon as I left the garage, she starts her crying out ” Bahh, Bahh, Bahh!!” She is just like one of our children who wants us to sleep with her. She makes you feel horrible for leaving her, but eventually she calms down. I called Hope on the phone and she suggested I turn on the radio for her to keep her company. So I plugged in the radio and turned it on to WFPL, our local NPR affiliate. After listening to this all night, Violet would be up on world affairs and be able to discuss politics at length. Hope came over and sat with her for awhile and eventually snuck out. I think we both knew she probably wouldn’t give birth that night, which she didn’t, but it made us feel better having her in there.

The Trusty Light
So now, flash ahead to today, Friday 31st and she has still not gone into labor. Yesterday afternoon I was feeling bad about her being by herself and since it was warmer I moved her outside. She spent the night out there with the other goats and seems to be a lot happier. I went out in the middle of the night to check on her, but still no change. I will keep you posted.
by admin | Jan 17, 2014 | Acorn Lane Farm, Matt Gardiner, Uncategorized
Today is one of those days in the landscaping business that is always so difficult to decide whether to work or not. We have been working all winter long and will continue to, but I felt bad today to have the guys drive all the way into work today only to send them back home. It didn’t start snowing today until about 6:40 and once it did, it kept on coming down to the tune of 2-3″ in Crestwood. Like anyone who works outside, the weather is so important to us and trying to predict or make decisions based on it is always tricky. We have more technology than ever at our fingertips, with weather apps on our phone and the weather people on tv, but no one ever gets it right. The only real way to get it right is to go outside and see what is going on for yourself.
While feeding the animals on the farm on days like this takes longer, it can also be rewarding. I was able to take my time feeding and making the farm rounds while not rushing through the task. On a normal work morning, when I am busy trying to get Boone Gardiner work done, I speed through the farm chores, completing them in about a half an hour. Enjoying the quite solitude that only a fresh snow can provide and not having any employees nor jobs to worry about for the day, allowed me a peaceful start and time to reflect.
Which brings me to the reason for this post. I have said for years that I need to blog more. Which I have done intermittently at best for Boone Gardiner and lately about Acorn Lane Farm. Now I want to take it a step further and actually start blogging on a regular basis, from a more personal point of view of what our crazy but very fulfilling life is like here at Acorn Lane Farm at Boone Gardiner. I have been actually been working on a book that I started last year about just this topic, while also writing other ideas, short stories and poems. Now it is time to get serious and start sharing (at least a little). Hopefully you will find my ramblings to be entertaining, informative and inspiring. I will continue to post about landscaping, gardening, plants, sustainability while adding farming, homesteading, personal stories, reflections and more.
Finding time. Today is the day that I find the time, the time to do what I want to do, Write. Which is what this whole great experiment that Hope and I have created is all about. Finding the time to live life fully, richly in the moment, authentically.
by admin | Jun 6, 2013 | Acorn Lane Farm, Garden Center, General Info, Green Team, Intensive Gardening, Matt Gardiner, Sustain, sustainability, Uncategorized, Vegetable Gardening
Stop by today and pick up some fresh veggies grown on site by Boone Gardiner. We have a nice selection of veggies, harvested when you want them. Just come out and if you see something you like, we cut and harvest it right there for you. Right now we have Kale, Mustard Greens, Leaf Lettuce, Radishes, Cauliflower available for dinner tonight. Don’t forget our farm fresh eggs from our happy hens and our local honey.

Cabbage and Kale

Leaf Lettuce

Mustard Greens

by admin | Jun 5, 2013 | Acorn Lane Farm, Matt Gardiner, Uncategorized

So once again our friend Karl Klein (son of Theodore Klein of Yew Dell) came by with a little surprise for us the other day last week, 5 Wild Turkey Chicks! Karl was out mowing on his farm and flushed a Wild Turkey Hen off of her nest. He didn’t hurt her, but she ran off and from his experience once a hen leaves her nest like that she won’t come back to her eggs. So he collected the eggs and took them inside to his incubator and hatched the chicks (actually Poults). He brought us 5 of these little guys at 2 days old and they have been living in our house (in a box !!) It’s funny, I thought we finally had the animals, other than the dog and the kids, out of the house and here we go again. We got Captain Black Boots, the baby Lamb that Karl brought us and Hope bottled fed and the 9 rabbits we rescued from animal control out and now I have Turkeys!! For more info on Wild Turkeys check out the link below.
by admin | May 23, 2013 | Acorn Lane Farm, Design Team, Garden Center, General Info, Green Team, Landscaping, Matt Gardiner, Uncategorized
We should have posted this last week, but we have been a little busy around here at Boone Gardiner, with Pigs, Parties, Plants and more!!! Last Tuesday the garden center reopened (from by appointment hours) to normal retail hours of Tuesday thru Saturday 10:00 am-6:00 pm. We are excited to be officially reopen after 2 years of By-Appointment only hours. Our awesome Herbaceous High Priestess Shelley Palmer is back at Boone Gardiner, many of you will remember Shelley from our days at the old location in Eastwood. We have lots of beautiful plants to check out including our own grown in house selection of perennials. Acorn Lane Farm and Petting Zoo is officially opened for daily visits, parties, tours, etc. We have Alpacas, Chickens, Goats, Guineas, Bee Hives, Peacock, Pigs, Horse, Donkeys, Vietnamese Potbelly Pigs, Rabbits, Sheep and more! We have two baby goats and Gracie our potbelly Pig just gave birth to 4 adorable baby piglets the other day. You will want to come out soon and see these little guys. As always our landscape division is staying extremely busy design and installing beautiful projects all over town. We are here to help you with any of your landscaping needs. We hosted an Oldham County Chamber of Commerce After Hours Event here last week and had a children’s Pre-K Graduation party at Acorn Lane Farm. Dates for parties and school groups for this summer are filling up fast, call now if you are interested. Stay tuned because we will be having (maybe bringing back a few old favorites) fun events, launching a new website shortly and more. Stay tuned!
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