Boone Gardiner Landscape Sustain
We don’t just maintain your landscape we sustain it with a stewardship approach to your landscape, treating it like the precious resource it is. Along with custom tailored landscape maintenance programs we offer unique green and sustainable landscape solutions. Boone Gardiner is committed to helping clean-up our environment and keep our Mother Earth healthy. We are constantly researching new technologies for more sustainable practices while seeking new partners to help create a better future for our children and the planet.
1. Organic Fertilizers, Pesticides, Soils, Composts and Mulches
2. Organically grown plants
3. Green Roof Installations
4. Xeriscape: A creative landscape designed for water conservation.
Xeriscape principles are the sum of planning and design, practical turf areas, appropriate plant selection, soil improvement, mulching, efficient irrigation, and appropriate maintenance to achieve a landscape that conserves water and other resources.
5. Organic Lawn Care
6. Organic Landscape Installations
7. Organic Landscape Maintenance
8. Rain barrel installations
9. Composting bin installations
10. Rain Garden Installations
Call 243.3832 to schedule a design consultation with one of our designers. Or fill out our Contact Form.
Click here for Sustain Portfolio to see completed landscape projects.

Boone's Blog
Spring has SPRUNG!!!
Spring has SPRUNG!!! Has Spring sprung?! I guess the loud “Sprongggg!” with sunny skies and 70 to 80 degree temperatures it certainly seems it has sprung. Along with warm April/ May like temps (I am writing this on February 22) birds are singing, animals are active...
Boone Gardiner | 1405 Fendley Rd, La Grange, KY 40031 | 502.243.3832