jQuery(function($){ $('#et-info-phone').wrap(function(){ var num = $(this).text(); num = num.replace(/[^0-9+]+/g, '-'); // sanitize num = num.replace(/^[-]|[-]$/g, ''); // trim return ''; }); });

On my Sunday run through Cherokee Park I spotted a pair of brilliant Wood Ducks swimming in the Beargrass Creek along Cherokee Park Road (north of Big Rock). The male Wood Duck has an iridescent green and purple head that make for quick identification. Not only did the Beargrass shape the rolling hills of the park, but it also serves as a refuge to diverse wildlife in the city.

Unfortunately, Louisville is still serviced by an out-dated combined sewer system. This means that during heavy rain events raw sewage along with storm water is released directly into creek. The sewage compromises water quality and safety for everything that comes into contact with the water.  An important step homeowners can take to reduce storm water from their residence is to construct a rain garden. A rain garden captures the rain from our roofs, driveways and lawns then slowly filters and returns the water into the ground. This prevents excess water from entering the storm water system and eventually Beargrass Creek.

A rain garden not only serves as an attractive feature to your lawn, but also helps to enhance the quality, diversity and character of Louisville’s urban wildlife. Put a rain garden in this spring; we all need to do our part to protect and restore Kentucky’s waterways and wildlife!
